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Mobile Software: BlondieSoft Windows Mobile Certificates

BlondieSoft Windows Mobile Certificates

All Windows Mobile by BlondieSoft will be signed with our own digital certificates. Installing these certificates on your device before installing our applications has two benefits:

  • First, you can be certain that the software is from BlondieSoft and was not modified by anyone else.
  • Our software will have priveliged access to your device, which is required for a number of features, such as intercepting SMS messages.

We strongly recommend that you install the certificates before installing any of our other Windows Mobile software. All you need to do is copy the CAB file across to your device and run it. Because the certificates CAB file itself is not signed, you may receive a warning that it is from an unknown publisher. After that, all other BlondieSoft Windows Mobile CAB files should install without a warning message. If you are unable to install the unsigned certificates CAB file, then you may need to unlock your device to allow untrusted installations. The details of how to do this vary from device-to-device, but you should be able to find out more from the various Windows Mobile forums.

Supported Devices:Any Windows Mobile Smartphone Edition 2003SE or later; Any Windows Mobile Pocket PC Edition 2003SE or later; Any Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Classic or Professional.

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Copyright © BlondieSoft, 2007-2024
Last modified: 3rd October 2007